Generating Your Business Qualified Leads and Long Lasting Relationships.

Personalized Outreach

Thousands of New Interactions

Booked Meetings

Proven to Generate Double the Results of 1 Sales Representative  

Leave it to us! We'll handle everything for you, so you can forget about the stress of prospecting and focus on closing those exciting new deals. Our team will create and implement a tailored outbound marketing strategy that gives you the power to drive your company's growth and maximize your sales team's performance.

Personalized Outreach

We take a focused approach to lead generation, specifically targeting individuals who have a high potential of becoming valuable customers. Our team customizes the messaging and outreach to cater to each client's specific needs and preferences. We utilize a combination of email, phone, and social media channels to ensure we reach as many people as possible and achieve optimal results.

Thousands of New Interactions

With our wide-reaching approach, we engage with thousands of potential customers on a daily basis, giving your brand a significant boost in visibility and recognition. This increased exposure will attract a larger audience to discover and connect with your business, ultimately resulting in higher conversion rates and greater revenue for you.

Booked Meetings

We take pride in delivering high-quality leads that are carefully sourced and specifically targeted to align with your business needs. This meticulous approach ensures a higher probability of conversion and booked meetings. With our expertise in lead generation, your team can count on a steady flow of valuable prospects ready for meetings.

Why Choose Us?

At our core, we are a team dedicated to delivering top-notch leads that drive significant business growth. We understand the importance of personalized outreach, tailored to your specific industry, to generate valuable sales leads. Our unwavering commitment lies in supporting your business needs and providing you with exceptional service every step of the way.

Our Commitment

Quality Over Quantity 

We prioritize accuracy over size because we understand that having a clean list is crucial to effective prospecting. We know that cleaning lists can be a time-consuming task, which is why we take care of it for you. We strive in offering you the purest list possible, setting us apart from other companies, to make your tasks simpler and more time-efficient.

Maintaining A Clean CRM

Having a bad lead in your CRM is worse than having one in your prospecting list. When your sales systems are contaminated with inaccurate or unqualified data, it can result in wasted time and missed opportunities. This can cause your sales team to chase after unfit leads instead of focusing on real, qualified leads.

Ensuring a High Standard 

At Ziv Leads, we have high standards for the leads we offer in our product. We're all about quality, so any lead that doesn't meet our strict criteria doesn't make the cut. Our goal is to save you from dealing with subpar leads that can potentially be a time and effort drain. You can count on us to provide you with top-notch leads that are worth your while.

Fostering Transparency 

Our focus extends beyond just acquiring new customers; we strive to establish long-term relationships with them. In order to achieve this, establishing trust from the very beginning is crucial.

Get In Touch!

36 Toronto Street, Toronto ON M5C 2C5


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Generating Your Business Qualified Leads and Long Lasting Relationships.

ZIV LEADS © 2023